Foundation Golf Day is a Hit
The Breyer Foundation Golf Day has been a resounding success for the 12th time, with over £11,000 raised for the many good causes the charity supports.
This year’s annual golfing event took place on the 11th September and was enjoyed by a merry throng of Breyer staff and suppliers battling it out to win on the green. 114 people joined us on the day, with 92 of them playing golf.
The day ended with a meal and an inspiring presentation from Helen Norford, Head of the Provision for Hearing Impaired Children at one of our beneficiaries – the Hacton Primary School in Hornchurch. Helen provided attendees with a powerful insight into what it’s like to be deaf through a “Chinese Whispers” style activity, using BSL sign language. While the exercise was cause for much laughter, the serious message around the struggles of the hearing impaired was not lost on the audience.
Helen also shared some striking statistics around the number of deaf children in the UK and the fact that an average of three babies are born deaf every day. While she articulately highlighted the challenges faced by the hearing impaired, even in everyday tasks, she also shared how easy it can be to communicate with deaf people. For example, by using simple gestures when talking, like waving when saying “Hello”.
Alex Vella, Head of Breyer Foundation and organiser of the event, has been inundated with messages of thanks for the enjoyable day. Among the feedback were the following comments:
Frank Mulholland from Five Point Recruitment said: “I would like to start with a huge thank you to Breyer Group for organising yesterday. Harvey and I had a great time playing, meeting many of your colleagues and raising awareness for the Breyer Foundation. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and look forward to attending your next event.”
Matt Bloor from Yardlink said: “I just wanted to thank you and the wider Breyer team for a fantastic day yesterday. Superbly organised, lots of fun and a really meaningful cause supported!! You even managed to nail the weather! The YardLink team didn’t manage to win any prizes but we thoroughly enjoyed the whole event and were glad that we could contribute to the Breyer Foundation.”
Well done Alex and the team that pulled together such a successful event!