Foundation Funds Futures
Breyer Foundation has donated £5k to the Cross-industry Construction Apprenticeship Task Force (CCATF) to enable 50 disadvantaged individuals to successfully secure training and work placements through the Construction Skills Consortium (CSC). The intention behind the programme is to provide individuals with a greater chance of long-term employment through a range of structured, tailored support.
The wider, more targeted aspiration for these socially disadvantaged and hard-to-reach individuals is that at least 25% of them will be offered employment following the initial work placement, and an additional 25% will go on to undertake some form of further education.
Alex Vella, Head of Breyer Foundation, comments:
“One of the Foundation objectives is it to support local communities through employment and economic development programmes. The CSC directly feeds into this area of need as they look to access and support the most vulnerable groups and communities.
“By providing this grant, the Foundation is enabling the CSC to have a greater impact with more individuals, specifically in the areas of Digital Poverty, pre-employability programmes and targeted job-focused interventions. The work delivered through the CSC will help those who need it most to secure sustainable employment. It is our privilege to support that outcome.”
Christopher Selby, Head of Marketing, CCATF comments:
“The CCATF are coordinating the CSC project and are delighted to have been given this award. The ambition of the CSC is to support social value initiatives, creating opportunities within vulnerable groups and communities. This donation enhances our efforts and the overall project to develop and reach out to more individuals. The CCATF thanks Breyer Foundation for the donation and looks forward to delivering the outcomes we all seek.”